Tech Donations for Kids
Promote values of altruism and generosity within your community by asking members to donate their old laptops, tablets and cell phones to youth. Help make technology resources and tools more accessible to lower-income children.
How might this help your community?
There's an increasing push for e-learning in schools. But there are many youth from low-income households who do not have the financial ability to afford technology and internet at home, which makes them unable to participate in e-learning.
This event will allow technological resources to become more accessible to low-income youth. It also encourages community members with privilege to help out others within their community or in nearby communities, and foster the growth of the children around them.
In August, before the school year starts
At a community centre
Suggested Action Plan
Check with your local community centre to see if they can provide you with a space to conduct a technology donation drop off-day. Book a date and time.
Create and print a flyer. Post the posters around the neighbourhood and on a community Facebook group.
Get people to contact you through text, email, or Google Forms.
Host your event and collect technology donations. Double check that everything works and that there is no personal information left on it by the donor.
Make a list of the technology devices you received. Contact a local children's organization or newcomer centre and make arrange to give them to families.
✓ Flyers to print (around $20)
✓ A venue
✓ An honourarium for a tech-savvy volunteer to inspect all devices to make sure they work (around $50-$100)
An Amazon list of technology for kids:
Tips on running a tech drive: