Teach Instagram photography to seniors
Promote digital literacy and connect youth with seniors in your local community by hosting a workshop teaching social media photography. Often, seniors have difficulty adapting to the digital age we live in. You can break this cycle by having you and your friends teach seniors how to use their cell phones to take and share pictures on social media!
How might this help your community?
Some adults and seniors do not know how to use social media and have difficulty connecting with their loved ones virtually. Teaching social media photography might help older members of your community get better connected.
It allows youth to build relationships with older members of their community while helping adults and seniors improve their digital literacy.
It's an opportunity for youth to use their talents and teach their technology skills to others.
At the local community centre or retirement home
On a weekend morning
Suggested Action Plan
Check with your local senior centre to see if they would be interested in this program and if a room can be reserved. Book a date and time.
Create and print a flyer to recruit student volunteers to become tutors. Post the flyers around the neighbourhood and on social media to advertise them to youth who might be interested. Ask your friends if they might be interested in joining too.
Get people to sign-up through text, email or Google Forms.
Talk to seniors in the seniors centre and sign them up.
Come up with one or two lesson plans and email them to the tutors so they can prepare in advance.
Match seniors and student tutors.
Run the event!
✓ A couple of selfie sticks (around $30)
✓ A place to have your event
✓ Youth volunteers
✓ Flyers to print out (around $10-$15)
Tips on helping adults boost their digital literacy: https://www.mcafee.com/blogs/family-safety/helping-older-adults-build-strong-digital-literacy-skills/
Tips on how to take good photos for social media: https://blog.hootsuite.com/how-to-take-good-instagram-photos/